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Gameplan – Transforming to a Value Focused Mindset

Hello, and thank you for taking the time to look at penny stock investing in a more conventional way. As more young, “retail” investors make their way into the tricky universe of investing, many may catch the “get-rich-quick” ideas that many of the top economic social media influencers may push. My goal with this site is to help the public look at investing, whether in the blue chips or in the penny stocks, from a value-based perspective.

Along the way, I look forward to learning many new strategies that leading investors have utilized for years to better understand businesses’ financial standing and performance. Additionally, I plan to hone my understanding of the many different catalysts that can manipulate a stock’s price over the short or long term.

As a self-described semi-professional trader, I have felt the ups-and-downs of trading. The feelings of discomfort, or flat-out bewilderment left me intent on finding ways to better understand how to invest.

With the help of this blog, my goal is to encourage all readers to look deeper into the reasons why they invest in companies and better understand the perplexing environment of penny stocks.

All the best,


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